The welfare and health of AstraGeos employees are of the highest priority.

All the activities undertaken by AstraGeos are to be conducted safely to avoid accidents or injuries. Risks associated with planned activities are to be contained to the minimum practical level. Safety must be systematically considered as part of the management of all company activities. It is the company policy to:

  • Provide safe and healthy work environment with adequate facilities and arrangements
  • Employ methods of work which are safe with the intention of preventing accidents and injuries
  • Comply with all applicable Occupational Health and Safety regulation, procedures and Codes of Practice
  • Foster a culture of concerned and responsible attitude to Health, Safety, Security and Environmental issues
  • Plan operations with appropriate consideration of Operation Health and Safety issues
  • Provide necessary Occupational Health and Safety training and equipment
  • Maintain appropriate emergency response plans
  • Maintain an occupational rehabilitation program facilitate the prompt return of any injured employee to the work place
  • Record and report safety performance to partners, shareholders and authority
  • Communicate openly with interested parties on Occupational Health and Safety matters

This policy applies to all employees and contractors engaged in conducting the company business, who are required to implement its intent in all circumstances.

While AstraGeos managers and supervisors are primarily responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy and associated procedures and practices as it will also be reviewed and when any new factors affecting Health, Safety and Environment arise, improvements are executed to ensure that Health, Safety and Environment performance is continuously maintained.

Every employee and contractor must take all responsible care of their own health and safety and that of their colleagues and others who may be affected by their actions or lack of actions.

“Keep Safety in Mind, for a Brighter Tomorrow”